mercoledì 16 gennaio 2008

Magical Herbs

As an experienced pagan goddess, and circle mistress of my Coven, the Tripple Goddess, I know more about the magical herbs and remedies than most people do in modern times. There are many plants which are magical plants just by sheer virtue of their nature, as recognized by ancient and traditional people the world over. For example, both Sage and Cedar are recognized as magical herbs by the native Americans, and are renowned for their abilities to purify and cleanse. Similarly, mandrake root, especially when gathered at midnight from beneath the gallows of a hanged man, was known for its sorceres powers and used much by our Druid ancestors in Europe. And for those of you who dont know, High John the Conquerer root, also referred to as Saint Johns Wart uses one of the magical powers relate in many ways to its medicinal uses.

But what else is involved in their making you ask?The Craft says that intention is everything in the preperation and gathering of truly effective magical herbs. They are hard to grow though, and though we might happen to "need" them, we cant all realistically grow effective magical herbs. For instance, if i only need Dragons Blood once in my practice, would it be silly to take up valuable space growing it year after year?

No. The more you live with and interact with your magical herbs, the more they can become a part of your life and theirs of you. Through the entire death and rebirth cycle, if you pay close attention to you, the more they will to you in effectiveness in your craft. It is similar to enlisting the help of the dead in casting. You can just go to any grave in a graveyard, pour out a bit of a libation, say an invocation, commune with the spirit, and ask for its aid. But many people will tell you, and its a widely known fact that if you take ancestors of the deceased then your evocation will be much more powerful.

On the same token, you could be dried, powered magical herbs at a magic supply store, or any other store, and use them in the stead of your own creations, but your spells will be much weaker and slower working. Now im not saying that good results never stemmed from this method of working, but ive done this myself many times over, and to not prepare your own magical herbs is taking away a lot of personalization in your craft, and you KNOW that this is never a good thing.

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